Being able to monitor, debug, and interpret the results of automated tests and processes is an essential part of any type of software automation.
Reporting results of automated flows in test and process automation should enable the tester or process owner to debug any failed flows, in a fast and reliable way.
LEAPWORK offers various kinds of tools for reporting and monitoring, both visual Dashboards and more structured Reports. With LEAPWORK you can create as many reports as needed. You can, for example, create a report per product being tested, a report per user, per day - or any combination of this. The same goes for Dashboards.
LEAPWORK reports can be exported as a PDF, HTML, or Excel file, which is handy for sharing or further processing of the results data.
Dashboards are visual presentation of reports data. They can be customized, filtered, and displayed however you like. Dashboards are great for a real-time overview. They often provide the first signs of potential issues that need taking care of. This could for example be a trend of more failing test cases for a regression test suite - or a business process that generates an unacceptable number of failed flows. The tutorial below covers the reporting and monitoring features of the LEAPWORK Automation Platform. Learn to set up new reports to inspect the results of automation flows. It also covers how you can use visual dashboards to your team's benefit.
To learn more about executing automation flows, check out the tutorial on Schedules, Agents, and Environments.