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Learning center'Get Run Item Ids by Run Id' end point returns a list of the IDs of the RunItems generated by a scheduled run identified by the RunId. A RunItem contains all information about the execution of a flow as part of a schedule.
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
runId | string | The runId is a unique Id for the individual run instance of a schedule | The runId can be fetched from response body of the Run Schedule Now endpoint. |
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'AccessKey: Mo87Nc4qDAtzJNDb' 'http://{controllerMachine}:{controllerPort}/api/v3/run/99b7c050-02bd-4a37-b1d5-8f69ed42ab96/runItemIds'
$headers = @{}
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "http://{controllerMachine}:{controllerPort}/api/v3/run/99b7c050-02bd-4a37-b1d5-8f69ed42ab96/runItemIds" -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $headers -Method GET
Returns current status of a particular run
{ "$id": "1", "RunItemsIds": [ "f082a297-3ec0-4310-b46e-38bf422efe43", "ba68f389-a324-4a21-b567-d0f00dd30911" ] } |
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
$id | string | ID of internal object | |
runItemsIds | Array[string] | Array of runItemsIds | runItemId is a unique Id for the individual run instance of a flow in a run |
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