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What is the Purpose of a Quality Strategy in QA Testing?

Owen Savage

Owen Savage

Having a solid quality strategy is key to successful software releases—without one, you’ll be at risk of releasing broken software. Customers won’t be satisfied. You’ll lose revenue.

This brief article will explain what a quality assurance strategy is, as well as the purpose of having one.

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What is a quality strategy?

Why do you need a quality strategy?

Improving your quality strategy with test automation

Automating with a no-code approach

What is a quality strategy?

Understanding the purpose of a quality strategy involves knowing what it is in the first place. In QA testing, a quality strategy, or quality assurance strategy, is a strategy within testing aimed at ensuring an effective testing process.

Related reading: What is QA Testing?

Whereas quality assurance is about ensuring you end up with a high-quality final software product, a quality strategy is a way of coordinating your overall QA efforts.

More specifically, it is a documented way of describing how a team will develop, test, and release quality software. It is made up of techniques and actions, making sure that weaknesses and mistakes in software are detected before it is released.

Vitally, a quality strategy is formed by a QA team together, so it relies on coordination across a team and people not working in silos.

Ideally, a quality strategy involves research: you need to go through the architecture of your software and all available test documentation.

Why do you need a quality strategy?

So why do you actually need a quality strategy when you test your software? You might think this is a waste of resources when you’re under pressure to put out fires caused by bugs and manually testing them accordingly. It can be hard to devote the time required to forming a well-thought-out, informed strategy.

Having a more mature testing process—essentially testing your software better—partly relies on having an adequate quality strategy.

Read more about what test maturity is in our blog post: What is test maturity?

Taking a thorough approach serves as a way of getting ahead and preventing, detecting, and correcting software bugs.

Without a strong quality strategy, testing will also be ad hoc and undirected. With one, your team can set clear goals for testing, making sure it’s not only measurable but realistic and can take place within time restraints.

Improving your quality strategy with test automation

The 2021-2022 Capgemini World Quality Report emphasizes that automation allows a more thorough approach to testing. For one, it leads to less temptation to skip steps than manual testing, because simple but monotonous steps are automated.

An important part of a quality strategy is deciding who is responsible for what in your team.

To devise a good QA test automation strategy, you need a team that isn’t preoccupied by resource-heavy and time-consuming manual testing.

Automating parts of the testing process can give you the time you need to make a thorough and effective quality strategy.

Automating with a no-code approach

By using a visual test automation approach like Leapwork’s, you can avoid simply shunning QA into the hands of developers. Because non-coders can test, the overall QA team can play a more active role in not only testing but producing a quality strategy.

You will end up with a quality strategy that is both shared across your whole team and more informed by those who really know your product...

Learn more about building a strong QA and test automation strategy that brings your organization closer to high speed, efficient testing.

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