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Mouse and keyboard building blocks can move the mouse pointer, click, scroll and type text. They are among the most used building blocks because they combine LEAPWORK’s image and text recognition abilities with user interface control.
The Click image and Click text blocks are used to find an image or text on screen, move the mouse pointer and click where it is found. Click position is used to click in a specific position on screen.
The Hover image, Hover text and Hover position blocks are similar, but hover the mouse pointer without clicking.
The Scroll wheel block is used to perform an explicit mouse scroll at a specific position on screen, while the Drag mouse block is used to drag (and optionally drop) using the mouse pointer.
The Type text block is used to type text using the keyboard.
The Press Key and Release Key blocks are used to keep keys pressed while performing other actions, e.g. dragging with the mouse.
Updated January 12th 2018.
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